Father Matholamew's Faith-Based Retreat for Young Men and Possibly Sensible Shoed Women of Color, some day.

Explore a place made just for you. No It's not Heaven but is sure comes close. A glorious vision of verdant green pastures and fragrant cedar chests full of youthful hope.
Escape the Godless city heathens and enjoy your very own semi-private cabinette with 24 hour security camera service. Of course we are speaking of:

Father Matholamew's Faith-Based Retreat for Young Men and Possibly Sensible Shoed Women of Color, some day.

More will be posted about this Catholic Institution later. Ye scribe is tired and must hit the sack.

Number of followers who have the big guy inside of them

Thy Story is Neverendithing

Thy Story is Neverendithing